お世話になってます!SODでも素人AVに特化した新設部署の第3制作です。SNS募集、ナンパに応じてくれた街行くZ世代のフレッシュな女の子を『すぐ会う、すぐ撮影する』をモットーに、演出なし、味付けなし、素材のうまみエロ動画を、紳士の皆様にお届けすべく精進して参ります。今後とも、ぜひ宜しくお願い致します! 今回はお友達同士の2人の同時出演です!美容部員で切れ目スレンダーなかほちゃんと、音大生であどけない笑顔が可愛いあすかちゃん。実は応募の時点で2人できてたんですよね。それぞれ1本ずつ撮らせて貰ってるので今回は2本目です。元バイト先が一緒だった2人は猥談はするもののお互いのエッチ姿をみるのは今回が初めて。マジの仲良しだからお喋りして、ゆる~い感じで始まっていったんですけど、エッチが始まるとお互い赤面…。お互いのマ●コを見せつけあったり、お漏らししちゃうところ見られたり…。最初は恥ずかしがりあってたんですが、段々、非日常な快感を覚えたのかお互いチ●ポ咥える時なんかお互い見つめ合ってました(笑)。そもそもAVの撮影自体が2回目の素人2人が段々と変態になっていく様をみるのはなんだか感慨深いものがあります。生注入した精子がお互いのマ●コから溢れるのもバッチリ目視!2人でM男くんを攻めたり、大量のチ●ポに囲まれて乱交したりと濃い一日でしたが2人とも楽しそうに帰って行きました。また会いたいです。【収録内容:初めてのお友達4P/協力してM男攻め/大乱交8P】
It has become indebted to! This is the third production of a newly established department specializing in amateur AV at SOD. With the motto of “meeting and filming right away,” we will deliver to gentlemen the delicious erotic videos of fresh, Z-generation girls on the town who have responded to our SNS recruitment and pick-up, without any direction or seasoning. I will do my best. We look forward to your continued support! This time, two friends will appear at the same time! Nakaho-chan, a beauty club member with a slender figure, and Asuka-chan, a music college student with a cute and innocent smile. Actually, at the time of application, there were two people. I’ve been allowed to take one of each, so this is the second one. The two used to work together at the same part-time job and although they talk dirty, this is the first time they have seen each other’s sex. Since we’re really good friends, we started chatting and it started out casually, but when we started having sex, we both blushed… They showed off each other’s pussies, and were seen peeing… At first, we were both shy, but then we both started staring at each other as we each held our dicks in our mouths, as if we both felt an unusual sense of pleasure (lol). In the first place, there is something deeply moving about watching two amateurs who are only shooting AV for the second time gradually becoming perverted. You can clearly see the raw injected sperm overflowing from each other’s pussies! It was a busy day, with the two of them attacking M-boy and having an orgy surrounded by a large number of dicks, but they both went home happily. I want to see you again. [Contents: 4p with friends for the first time/Cooperating to attack M men/Big orgy 8p]