SODstar MINAMOが挑む初洗脳企画!人気モデルのMINAMOが撮影現場で汚く臭いADの後藤にクレームしたら、人生崩壊になるなんて。逆恨みした後藤が洗脳エステでMINAMOを支配して自由自在にしていく。ナイスボディを好き放題にハメまくり。卑猥な記者会見をやらせて、前代未聞の公開処刑が始まる。
Sodstar minamo’s first brainwashing project! When Minamo, a popular model, complained to Goto, a dirty and smelly ad, on a photo shoot, her life was ruined. Goto, who had a grudge against Minamo, uses a brainwashing beauty salon to control Minamo and do whatever he wants. He fucks her nice body as much as he wants. An obscene press conference is held and an unprecedented public execution begins.